Reminder Settings

Redmine has a built-in reminder feature. This feature sends an email listing the issues you are assigned for that are nearing their due date or have passed their due date.

My Redmine Global Edition can utilize this reminder feature.

In Reminder Settings, you can change the reminder feature’s behavior.

  • Enable or disable the reminder feature
  • Set the number of days before the due date

If you enabled, emails are sent daily at 0:00 UTC.

How to Configure

1. Click “Change” on the Reminder Settings screen.

2. Change the settings.

Clicking “Active” enables the reminder feature, and reminder emails will be sent. You can set the number of days before the due date.

The issues listed in the reminder email are selected based on the following conditions:

  • You are set as the assignee.
  • The due date is within the number of days specified in “Days” or has already passed.
  • Example
    • If you specify “3” at “Days”, issues with due dates within 3 days or already past due date will be included.
    • If you specify “0” at “Days”, issues with due dates today or already past due date will be included.

Clicking “Inactive” disables the reminder feature, and reminder emails will not be sent.

3. Click “Update”.

The changes you made will be saved.