Importing Issues with CSV

You can use the CSV import feature to quickly add multiple issues at once. This is especially handy if you’re moving data from another system or need to manage a large number of issues efficiently.

Bulk Registration of Issues via CSV File

1.Create a CSV file with the information for the issues you want to import.
(It’s easier to create the CSV file by using the CSV export function available in the “Also available in:” option on the issue list screen as a reference.)

2.Go to “Issues” and click the “…” next to “New issue,” then select “Import.”

CSV Import Options

3.Click the “Choose File” button to select the CSV file you created, then click “Next.”

4.Adjust the options to match the format of your CSV file, then click “Next.”
(If you turn on “Send email notifications during the import,” an email notification will be sent to the issue assignees during the import process.)

CSV Import Options

5.Check that each column in the CSV file is automatically mapped to the correct fields in the issue and verify the fields mapping are correct. Then click “Import.”
(Note: The import cannot proceed if required fields, such as “Tracker” and “Subject,” are not mapped correctly in the “Field mapping” step.)

CSV Import Options