On this website (including sites related to various services provided by Far End Technologies Corporation (the “Company”, “we”, “our” or “us”)) (“this site”), we use Cookies to allow users to receive services more conveniently.

Information collected through Cookies will be collected as browsing history when users access this site if their browser settings are configured to save Cookies. This information is collected by marketing support providers and/or our company. The analysis results based on the browsing history are provided to our company by the marketing support providers.

Cookies on the user’s device will remain until the user deletes them or until they reach a certain expiration date. Many browsers are initially set to automatically accept Cookies by default, but users can disable Cookies by changing their browser settings.

Additionally, for Cookies issued by marketing support providers, users can stop the transmission of information by accessing the opt-out setting page provided by these providers and following their instructions. For details on the privacy policies and opt-out settings of the marketing support providers, please refer to the following explanations.

Use of Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google LLC (“Google”), to understand and improve how users interact with our site.

Through the use of this service, we and Google directly obtain information collected by Cookies from users’ devices. For details on how this information is collected and processed by this service and how Google uses this information, please refer to the following links:

By using this site, users agree to the use of their information by us and Google through Google Analytics.

Furthermore, we have enabled advertising features in Google Analytics, and the features we use are as follows:

  • Google Analytics Remarketing
  • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
  • Google Analytics Demographics and Interests Reports
  • Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for advertising purposes, including data collection via advertising Cookies and identifiers

We and third party vendors, including Google, combine first party Cookies (or other first party identifiers) issued by us and third party Cookies (or other third party identifiers) issued by Google Analytics to understand user attributes and deliver effective advertisements.

Users who do not wish their data to be used by Google Analytics can opt out by visiting the following opt out page provided by Google:

Other Access Analysis Tools Used on This Site

For other access analysis tools used on this site, as well as the privacy policies and opt-out settings of the marketing support providers providing these tools, please refer to the respective links in the table below.

YRGLM Inc. Purpose of use: Planning, evaluation, or improvement of marketing measures
Privacy Policy Opt-out
Meta Platforms, Inc. Purpose of use: Advertising delivery based on user trends, etc.
Privacy Policy Opt-out
Google Inc. (Google Ads) Purpose of use: Advertising delivery based on user trends, etc.
Privacy Policy Opt-out
X Corp. Purpose of use: Advertising delivery based on user trends, etc.
Privacy Policy Opt-out
LINE Yahoo Corporation (Yahoo Ads) Purpose of use: Advertising delivery based on user trends, etc.
Privacy Policy Opt-out