While Far End Technologies Corporation (the “Company”, “we”, “our” or “us”) holds much personal information in connection with the Company’s business in order to conduct its activities, the Company considers it to be its grave responsibility to protect personal information, and endeavors to protect personal information by stipulating the following Personal Information Protection Policy (this “Policy”) to gain trust from a wide range of people, from the data subjects to the society as a whole.

The Company shall handle personal information appropriately by ensuring that all persons who are engaging in the Company’s business are informed of the relevant laws and regulations and other norms relating to personal information as well as various regulations, etc., relating thereto established by the Company, in accordance with such norms and regulations.

Appropriate Collection, Use, Provision, Entrustment and Joint Use of Personal Information

1. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Upon collecting personal information, we shall expressly indicate the purposes of use thereof, collect such information only to the extent necessary, notify the data subject of the purposes of use or make the same public, and shall use such information within such extent. The purposes of use of the various personal information used by or stored within the Company shall be as follows.

Customers’ personal information:

  • Providing information relating to the Company’s products and services;
  • Providing support pertaining to the Company’s products and services;
  • Providing membership services operated by the Company;
  • Operating exhibitions and seminars, etc.;
  • Implementing promotional activities relating to the Company’s products and services, such as campaigns;
  • Responding to inquiries from customers;
  • Performing contracts entered into by and between customers and the Company;
  • Contacting customers about business meetings and consultation meetings therewith;
  • Using such information within the scope for which prior consent has been obtained from the relevant customer him/herself; and
  • Any other duties relating to any of the foregoing.

Clients’ personal information:

  • Holding meetings, etc., pertaining to transactions;
  • Providing information to or contacting clients;
  • Performing duties entrusted by clients; and
  • Any other duties relating to any of the foregoing.

Shareholders’ personal information:

  • Conducting management of shareholders and shares;
  • Shareholders’ or the Company’s exercise of their rights or performance of their obligations;
  • Preparing documents, records and data under the laws and regulations; and
  • Any other duties relating to any of the foregoing.

Personal information of employees, officers and other members of the Company:

  • Calculating and paying salaries;
  • Conducting security control for the members of the Company;
  • Conducting human resources management regarding the members of the Company;
  • Implementing various PR activities; and
  • Any other duties relating to any of the foregoing.

Personal information of recruitment applicants:

  • Conducting recruitment activities within the Company, human resources management and security control after recruitment, and any other relevant duties.

Personal information relating to those who have made inquiries, etc., to the Company:

  • Responding to inquiries, requests and complaints, etc.

Please note that the Company shall obtain and analyze information such as the browsing history on the Company’s website, etc., and shall use the same to understand customer needs, improve the websites relating to the Company’s services and to conduct effective distribution of advertisements, etc.

2. Third-Party Provision of Personal Information

We shall not provide or disclose to any third party any personal information collected, unless:

  1. Having obtained the data subject’s prior consent;
  2. Such provision or disclosure is permitted by the laws and regulations, etc.; or
  3. Such information is subject to external entrustment, business transfer or joint use.

3. Entrustment

Upon using personal information by entrusting the same to a third party, we shall take into consideration the appropriateness of such entrustment in light of the implementation status of the security control measures, etc., taken by such third party, and shall only provide personal information to such third party after having entered into a service agreement therewith which stipulates matters necessary for conducting appropriate supervision, such as matters relating to confidentiality, and thereby ensure the appropriate supervision of the entrustee.

4. Joint Use of Personal Information

We may jointly use any personal information collected, excluding customers’ personal information, as follows, with the joint users set forth below, to perform the duties to be conducted by the company group as a whole, as well as to provide customers with products and services, etc., and information relating thereto and to make decisions on whether to provide the same.

  1. Personal data items to be jointly used:
    Name, company name, address, telephone number, email address and any other information pertaining to the relevant transaction, which is described in each application form, etc.
  2. Scope of joint users:
    YRGLM Inc. and its group companies
    Please refer to the group companies section here (Japanese content) for the names of YRGLM Inc.’s group companies.
  3. Chief administrator of personal data to be jointly used:
    Far End Technologies Corporation
    Matsue Center Building, 498 Asahimachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane
    Go Maeda, Representative Director

Security Control Measures Relating to Personal Information

With respect to personal information (including personal information which the Company has obtained or is attempting to obtain), the Company takes the following measures to prevent any divulgence or loss of, or damage to, such personal information and other measures to ensure appropriate control of personal data.

1. Establishment of Basic Policy:

Establishing this Policy to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information/personal data and to notify the data subject of the point of contact for responding to questions and complaints.

2. Establishment of Disciplinary Rules Pertaining to Handling of Personal Data:

Establishing regulations including provisions on acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion and disposal of personal data.

3. Organizational Security Control Measures:

  1. Appointing a person in charge of personal data handling; and
  2. Consolidating a system wherein investigations into, reports on, and countermeasures against, any incident, such as the divulgence of personal information, etc., are promptly carried out, made or taken.

4. Personnel Security Control Measures:

  1. Conducting regular training for employees concerning matters relating to security, including personal information security, which require attention; and
  2. Providing matters relating to the confidentiality of personal information in the work rules.

5. Physical Security Control Measures:

  1. Controlling employees’ access to the areas where personal information is being handled, limiting the scope of devices, etc., that may be taken into such areas, and taking measures to prevent unauthorized persons from browsing personal information; and
  2. Taking measures to prevent any theft or loss, etc., of devices on which personal information is handled and of electronic media and documents including personal information.

6. Technical Security Control Measures:

Introducing a mechanism to protect the information system for handling personal information from unauthorized access by external parties or from malicious software.

7. Understanding the International Rules:

Please click here for information on the countries where the Company’s place of storage of personal data (including the location of the server for the cloud service) is located, information on the countries where the foreign corporations with which the Company has entered into a service agreement to entrust (including re-entrusting) services thereto, including the handling of personal data, are located, and outlines of the systems relating to personal information protection in such countries.

Acquisition, Use and Provision of Information Connected with Identifiers such as Cookies

Cookies means information in text format which is transmitted from a website and saved on the web browser when browsing such website. This website (including websites relating to various services provided by the Company) uses Cookies to enable users to receive our services more conveniently. Please click here for details.

The Company shall not provide personal information, including data by using Cookies, to any third party without obtaining prior consent, unless such provision:

  • Is required by the laws and regulations;
  • Is necessary for protecting the life, body or property of any person, and it is difficult to obtain the data subject’s consent;
  • Is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the data subject’s consent; or
  • Where there is a requirement to cooperate with national government organs, local governments or entrustees of either of the foregoing in performing their duties prescribed by the laws and regulations, and obtaining the data subject’s consent threatens to obstruct the performance of such duties.

Improvement Measures

We shall endeavor to precisely respond to changes in the social environment surrounding the handling of personal information. Further, we shall endeavor to improve this Policy and other various regulations, etc., as necessary, such as by changing, modifying or making additions to the same.

Request for Disclosure, etc., of Company-Owned Personal Data

Upon receiving any request for disclosure of company-owned personal data from the data subject or his/her agent, the Company shall respond to such request within a reasonable period (two (2) weeks in principle; provided, however, that, if it will take more time to respond to such request, such as where the request is complicated or involves numerous data, the period is expected to be thirty (30) days) and within a reasonable scope in accordance with the Company’s internal rules, unless any of the following applies. If we decide not to disclose the same or if no such company-owned personal data exists, we shall notify the requesting party to that extent.

  1. Such disclosure threatens to cause damage to the life, body, property or any other rights and interests of the data subject or any third party;
  2. Such disclosure threatens to significantly obstruct the proper implementation of the Company’s duties; or
  3. Such disclosure violates the laws and regulations.

Further, upon receiving any request from the data subject or his/her agent, such as to revise, make additions to, or delete unnecessary information from, company-owned personal data, to suspend use of, permanently erase or suspend third-party provision of the same, or to disclose any records provided by a third party, the Company shall respond to such request in accordance with the laws and regulations after carrying out investigations. Please contact us at the following point of contact for details on the documents to be submitted upon making a request for disclosure, etc., and how to make such request, and how we confirm that the party requesting disclosure, etc., is either the data subject him/herself or his/her agent. (We may charge a commission equivalent to the actual expenses.)

Far End Technologies Corporation Personal Information Protection Manager
Matsue Center Building, 498 Asahimachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane 690-0003
Click here to make an inquiry.

Point of Contact for Responding to Questions and Complaints

If you have any questions or complaints concerning the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact us at the following point of contact. We will then endeavor to appropriately and promptly respond to the same.

Far End Technologies Corporation Personal Information Protection Manager
Matsue Center Building, 498 Asahimachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane 690-0003
Click here to make an inquiry.

Revision of this Policy

The Company may revise this Policy in accordance with any changes in the laws and regulations, etc.

Established on: July 15, 2023
Last updated on: May 1, 2024
Far End Technologies Corporation
Location of Head Office: Matsue Center Building, 498 Asahimachi, Matsue-shi, Shimane
Representative: Go Maeda, Representative Director